The European REACH regulation aims to identify the types and quantities of chemical substances produced or imported into the EU, which requires all companies engaged in these operations in the EU to register these chemical substances with the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA). According to REACH, non-EU companies cannot apply directly to ECHA for REACH registration and SCIP database upload. These companies can appoint a natural person or legal person in the EU as the REACH Only Representative (OR) to take over the registration obligations of importers for complying with REACH. OR is crucial for the successful completion of REACH registration and unhindered trade of companies.
Our company provides comprehensive solutions for your EU REACH compliance.
Our company has rich and long-term experience in serving as an OR for many companies around the world, assuming all obligations and responsibilities under the REACH regulation for non-EU (European Union) manufacturers, performing different tasks and roles during the preparation period, conduct period, and completion period of pre-registration and registration. Our REACH compliance services include assisting non-EU companies in registering REACH chemicals, providing SVHC fast screening assessment test product certificates, maintaining and updating data submitted to ECHA, providing updated Safety Data Sheets (SDSs), etc. Whether your company is considering replacing OR or entering the EU market for the first time, we can customize a comprehensive service for you.
If you need help or have a question, please feel free to contact us for more details.
We're open for any suggestion or just have a chat with us.
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